PASSION FOR SERVICE brings Suresh Shrestha to join the Whitehouse Rotary’s Community Rotaract club

“Service is the rent you pay for room on this earth.” Late Congresswomen Shirley Chisholm Suresh Shrestha began his college life in public service helping many youth groups in Nepal as a member of the Sindhu Public Awakening Youth club. His passion for volunteerism continued to grow when he moved to the USA.  When heContinue reading “PASSION FOR SERVICE brings Suresh Shrestha to join the Whitehouse Rotary’s Community Rotaract club”

Changing LIVES in Nepal

MILLION DOLLAR IMPACT in Nepal with Partnerships, Collaboration and Special Rotary funding. Thanks to our supporters. “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” — Helen Keller Dr. Tulsi R. Maharjan Friends of Nepal-NJ (FON-NJ) is a non-profit organization, created to promote and preserve the social and cultural heritage of Nepal and developContinue reading “Changing LIVES in Nepal”